
So, the rain and squally weather has meant that getting out for short hits has been pretty unappealing recently, it's been raining pretty often in the Bowl Town and making gains on the board is a more effective use of time.
The weather, coupled with just not being organised enough to get out of the door early aongside pressure at work has meant I haven't been out in the day. Must do better...

So continuing on from earlier in the week I've managed to fit in another 3 more late night sessions, each an hour or longer and I can begin to feel the gains, simply from what I can do on the board. It's not the most inspiring form of training, but it's a useful way of getting strong, with the limited available time.

In an effort to add at least some structure, I will continue in this vein for the next 3 weeks, and then start to work on stamina. So if I were defining this as some sort of periodisation, I am one week into Power, and in 3 wks I'll start on Endurance.
Of course, this could all fall apart at any point, I'm not renowned for my ability to stick to a rigid training regime. Plus stuff gets in the way, but I'm psyched for it!
The good thing of course is that I'm actually quite enjoying getting on the board, especially now it's more populated with holds of all types which opens up the possibilities...

I'm working Mon/Tue next wk, and then on holiday for a wk and a half, so although board work should be acheivable, getting out could be problematic. Got to keep focussed!!

PS: Someone must have had a faulty mouse the other day, I had 40 views of the blog on one day....surprising!
