
Wednesday 14th April.

Today was a long day. I had to drive down to Stevenage, but I was hoping to leave as early as possible and stop off at the Roaches on the way back. I'd finished my meeting by about 2pm adn headed back up. I put Upper Hulme in as a destination on the way back home, but for some reason it went straight past it - by the time I'd realised I was near on in Macclesfield. I had a choice of another 45 minutes extra driving, or just sacking it. So I sacked it. A shame as I was looking forward to it.Shoulder aching a bit today though so might have been a blessing. A brief look in to Wilton 2 and I saw that the cool little overhang near the entrance on the right has been filled in. only a sitstart 5a has been lost, but it was quite a cool problem...

On the upside, I visited a customer's factory that makes space rockets today. Very cool. Oh, and the practical cheesemaking book arrived. woo!


  1. Get the UKB POIs installed, and never get lost again.


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